How to Create a Vanity URL in WordPress?

In the digital age, creating a strong online presence is crucial for businesses and individuals alike. One effective way to enhance branding and improve user experience is through vanity URLs.

In this guide, we’ll explore how to create vanity URLs in WordPress, a popular platform for website creation.

By following a few simple steps, you can give your website a professional touch and make your URLs more memorable.

What are Vanity URLs?

Vanity URLs are custom web addresses that replace long, complex URLs with short, meaningful ones. They serve as a branding tool, allowing you to promote your website with concise and catchy URLs that are easier for users to remember.

Read more about the Benefits of Vanity URLs.

For example, instead of, you can have

How to Create a Vanity URL in WordPress?

To create vanity URLs in WordPress, we’ll need to install and activate the “Redirection” plugin. This powerful plugin will enable us to set up custom redirects and manage vanity URLs efficiently.

Let’s discuss step by step process to create a vanity URL in WordPress.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Vanity URL

To create a vanity URL in WordPress, you can follow these steps:

1. Install and activate the “Redirection” plugin:

Start by installing and activating a plugin called “Redirection.” This plugin allows you to set up custom redirects and vanity URLs.

2. Open the plugin settings:

Once the plugin is activated, go to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to “Tools” -> “Redirection.”

3. Create a new redirect

In the Redirection settings, you’ll find a section where you can add new redirects. Look for the “Add New Redirect” option.

4. Set the source URL

In the “Source URL” field, enter the URL you want to redirect from. For example, if you want to create a vanity URL like “,” enter “/vanity” in this field.

5. Choose the destination URL

In the “Target URL” field, enter the actual URL you want the vanity URL to point to. This could be a specific page, post, or any other URL on your WordPress site.

6. Save the redirect

Click on the “Add Redirect” button to save your settings.

7. Test the vanity URL

Open a new browser tab and enter the vanity URL you created (e.g., “”). It should now redirect you to the destination you specified.

Remember to replace “” with your actual domain name. With this method, you can create multiple vanity URLs by adding new redirects in the Redirection plugin settings.

How to Create Multiple Vanity URLs?

The Redirection plugin allows you to create multiple vanity URLs effortlessly. By adding new redirects, you can establish additional custom URLs that align with different pages or posts on your website.

Proper organization and management of these vanity URLs will ensure a seamless user experience.

How to Effectively Use Vanity URLs?

To maximize the effectiveness of your vanity URLs, consider the following best practices:

  1. Choose relevant and memorable vanity URLs that reflect your brand or content.
  2. Optimize vanity URLs for search engines by incorporating relevant keywords.
  3. Regularly monitor and update vanity URLs to avoid broken links and maintain a smooth user experience.


Creating vanity URLs in WordPress is a simple yet impactful way to enhance your website’s branding and user engagement.

By installing the Redirection plugin and following the outlined steps, you can customize your URLs, making them more appealing, memorable, and in line with your brand identity. Take advantage of this powerful feature and stand out in the digital landscape with vanity URLs that leave a lasting impression on your visitors.