How to Add a Page to Menu in WordPress?

Menus play a crucial role in enhancing user navigation on a WordPress website. They provide visitors with a clear and organized way to access different sections of your site.

As your website grows, you may want to add new pages to your menu to ensure that important content is easily accessible.

In this blog, we will walk you through the simple process of adding a page to the menu in WordPress, allowing you to improve your user experience and showcase your content effectively.

Step-by-Step Guide to Add a Page to Menu in WordPress

Follow the below steps to add pages to your WordPress website in a very simple way:

1. Access the Menu Editor

In the left-hand sidebar of the WordPress dashboard, locate the “Appearance” section and click on “Menus.” This action will take you to the Menu editor, where you can control and customize your website’s menus.

If you haven’t created a menu yet, you will see an option to “create a new menu.” Give your menu a name, and then proceed to the next steps.

If you have an existing menu that you want to edit, select it from the drop-down list.

2. Select Your Pages to Add to the Menu

In the Menu editor, you will find different sections for adding items to your menu. Look for the “Pages” section, and click on “View All” to display a comprehensive list of all your website’s pages.

Now, locate the page you want to add to the menu and check the box next to its name. You can add multiple pages at once by selecting their respective boxes.

Read Also: How to Duplicate a Page in WordPress

3. Add Pages to the Menu

Once you have selected the desired page(s), click the “Add to Menu” button. WordPress will add the page(s) to the bottom of your menu structure on the right-hand side.

To rearrange the order of the pages within the menu, simply drag and drop them into your preferred position.

You can also create submenu items by indenting a page slightly under another menu item. This is particularly useful for organizing related content and providing a logical hierarchy within the menu.

4. Save the Menu

Once you have organized the menu items to your satisfaction, click the “Save Menu” button to save your changes.

WordPress will update the menu structure, making your selected pages and any other additions accessible to your website visitors.

5. Testing the Menu

After saving the menu, navigate to your website to see the updated menu in action. Test the menu thoroughly to ensure that the newly added page(s) are visible and lead to the correct content.

How to Create Submenus in WordPress Website (Optional)

Suppose you want to add submenu items to a page you just added to the menu. In that case, simply drag the page to the right until it snaps underneath the parent menu item.

This action will create a submenu, visually grouping related content together.

For more details, see our guide on How to Add Submenu in WordPress?

How to Add Custom Links or Other Menu Items (Optional)

Apart from adding pages, you can also include custom links, categories, tags, or other elements in your menu.

Use the options on the left side of the Menu editor to add custom links that lead to external websites or specific sections of your site.

This feature allows you to create a highly customized and comprehensive menu tailored to your website’s needs.


You have successfully learned how to add a page to the menu in WordPress. By managing your menu effectively, you can enhance the user experience, improve navigation, and showcase your content more prominently.

Take advantage of the Menu editor’s features to organize your menu items in a way that aligns with your website’s goals and facilitates seamless user interactions.

With a well-designed menu, your visitors will find it easier to explore and engage with your website’s valuable content.