How to Add an Email Link in WordPress?

Effective communication is key to building strong connections with your website visitors and customers.

One simple yet powerful way to encourage communication is by adding email links to your WordPress website.

Email links allow users to contact you directly through their preferred email client, streamlining communication and fostering engagement.

In this blog, we will guide you to add email links in WordPress, to enhance your website’s user experience and open up new avenues for interaction.

What are Email Links?

Email links are special hyperlinks that use the “mailto:” protocol, allowing users to initiate an email to a specific address with a single click.

Unlike regular hyperlinks that direct users to another web page, email links trigger the user’s default email application, enabling them to compose an email instantly.

This direct connection can boost user engagement, as it eliminates the friction of copying and pasting email addresses.

How to Add an Email Link in WordPress?

Before creating an email link, ensure you have the appropriate email address to which users will send messages.

Consider using a dedicated email address for your website to keep communication organized and separate from your personal or business emails.

Additionally, take precautions to protect your email address from spambots and potential misuse.

3 Methods to Add an Email Link in WordPress

To add an email link to your WordPress website follow the methods given below:

1. Add the Email Link via HTML Code

Creating an email link is a straightforward process. To start, construct the HTML code using the “mailto:” protocol and the chosen email address.

For example:

<a href=””>Contact Us</a>

In the above code, “” is the email address, and “Contact Us” is the link text that users will see and click on. Customize the link text to encourage users to take action.

You can also insert an email link on your naked email address as below:

<a href=””></a>

2. Add Email Link Using WordPress Gutenberg Editor

To add the email link in the Gutenberg editor, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Create a new post/page or edit an existing one.
  3. In the editor, click on the “+” icon to add a new block.
  4. Now add your link text or email.
  5. Then click on the link icon.
  6. It will automatically make your email clickable. Otherwise add “mailto:” before your email address.

3. Add Email Link in Classic WordPress Editor

For those using the Classic editor, here’s how to add the email link:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Create a new post/page or edit an existing one.
  3. Write your naked email address or a link text like “Contact Us”
  4. Now click on the link icon from the above bar.
  5. Add your email link here as this: “”.

How to Test the Email Link?

After adding the email link, it’s essential to test its functionality to ensure it works as expected. Click on the link yourself and verify if your default email client opens with the correct email address pre-filled.

Additionally, send a test email to confirm that it reaches the designated email address without any issues.

How to Style Email Links?

To make your email link visually appealing and consistent with your website’s design, you can apply CSS styles to the link.

For example:

  color: #007bff; /* Change link color to blue */
  text-decoration: none; /* Remove underline */
  font-weight: bold; /* Make the link text bold */

You can also create a button-style email link using CSS classes. Experiment with different styles to find the one that suits your website best.

How to Fix Email Links Not Working?

If you encounter any problems with the email link, such as broken links or formatting issues, double-check the HTML code for errors. Ensure that the email address is correct and properly formatted with no extra spaces or special characters.

What are the Benefits of Email Links on a Website?

Email links on a website provide several benefits for both website owners and users. Here are some of the key advantages:

  1. Easy communication: Email links make it convenient for visitors to get in touch with the website owner or support team. With just a click, users can open their default email client and compose a message, reducing the effort required to reach out.
  2. Accessibility: Email links are accessible to all users, regardless of their device or internet connection. They don’t require any specific software or app to work, making them universally usable.
  3. Direct communication: Unlike contact forms or other communication methods, email links establish a direct line of communication between the user and the website owner. This can lead to quicker responses and more personalized interactions.
  4. User preference: Some users may prefer using their email client to communicate rather than filling out a contact form. Offering email links caters to different user preferences, enhancing the overall user experience.
  5. Trackable: Website owners can track the number of clicks on email links using web analytics tools. This information provides insights into user engagement and interest in the website’s content or services.
  6. Mobile-friendly: Email links work seamlessly on mobile devices, which are widely used for browsing the internet. Users can tap on the link to initiate an email without manually typing in the recipient’s address.
  7. Call-to-action (CTA): Including an email link as a CTA in newsletters or marketing materials encourages readers to engage directly with the content or offers. This can lead to higher conversion rates and improved communication with potential customers.
  8. Spam protection: While email links can be harvested by email harvesting bots, using obfuscation techniques (e.g., JavaScript encryption or CAPTCHA protection) can help prevent automated spamming.
  9. Personalization: Email links allow users to compose messages in their preferred email client, where they can address the recipient with a personalized greeting and provide specific details about their inquiry or request.
  10. Privacy: Unlike contact forms that may require users to provide personal information, email links give users the option to share only the necessary details they feel comfortable sharing via email.

How to Effectively Use Email Links?

  • Use descriptive link text that clearly indicates the purpose of the email link, such as “Contact Us,” “Get in Touch,” or “Send Feedback.”
  • Avoid using generic email addresses like “” and use personalized ones to create a sense of direct communication.
  • Consider adding subject lines to your email links to provide users with guidance on the topic of their message.
  • If applicable, include CC or BCC options in the email link to help users copy other recipients.


Adding email links in WordPress is a simple yet effective way to boost user engagement and facilitate direct communication with your audience.

By following the step-by-step process and applying the best practices outlined in this blog, you can seamlessly integrate email links into your website and enhance your users’ experience.